Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
P.E Term 4
WALT: develop fundamental skills required for athletics
WILF: - Correct technique for throwing the discus and shotput
Correct technique for long jump and high jump
Passing the baton accurately in relay sprints
I am proud of my running because I came second.It was a challenge for me to beat Tama in the running but I lost to him in the end.My next step is to practice harder in everything.Next year I would like to be the fastest in the school.My best event was discus because I came first.
WALT: develop the skills or batting, bowling, throwing, and fielding in cricket.WILF:
- overarm throwing when fielding
- catching with hands held like a basket
- straight arm bowling
- eyes on the ball and move the bat all the way through when battingThe skill I am best at is bowling.
My next step is to bowl someone out.
Reading term 4
WALT: Listen to a novel and reflect on the story as we think about the characters,settings,plot and the authors purpose.
This is the task we had to do last week for reading. It's about prefixes and suffixes. Here is one of the tasks we had to do.I think Gary Paulsen uses flashbacks in his writing to give you a little view of Brian's past. It helps by giving more description to the story and Brian's life. This one is week our week 7 tasks that we had to complete.
WALT: display excellence in all that we do
WILF: has been 'me' displaying 'my best, a can do attitude' in different situations, environments and in my learning.
Next Step: I believe I still need to work on showing excellence in maths. I will do my best to do this in 2017.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Adventure recount
This is my recount story about going rafting with my family. It at the Mohaka river. The whole family had a fun as time and we all want to do it again.
Once, my family went out of Hawke's Bay to go white water rafting. I was nervous on the way there because I was scared that I was going to fall off the raft.
When we got there, I saw pictures on the wall of huuuuuuuge white waters crashing everywhere. The butterflies in my tummy were getting worse by the minute. The place was remote and the inside of it looked like a house. A man came to the counter and said, “ Have you booked?”. Mum said, “ Yes”. So he took us out the back of the shed and we found some wetsuits, water shoes and jackets that fit us. We all got dressed into them and waited until we were all done. Then the man showed us the boat that we were going in and then we hooked it up to the bus that we're going in. We drove off to the Mohaka river about ten minutes down the road.
When we arrived at the river, there were rocks everywhere. I jumped out and the man gave us our life jackets. Dad and the man took the boat to the water and slid it in.
Then we jumped in and grabbed a paddle each. The water was calm at first but then we got further down the river and saw rapids. And this one rapid around the corner was basically a waterfall. It had a big drop and I was at the front of the boat then…. SPLASH!!! We hit the bottom of the water and we got soaked. Tali and I were the most soaked out of everyone because we were at the front of the raft. The whole family was laughing except my Dad, he had his annoyed face on and swore. He hates to get wet so that's why he was grumpy. He was a volcano about to erupt We tried to push him of the boat to cheer him up, but he just pushed us away.
After Dad was cheered up a bit, Tali, Rudy and I jumped overboard and started to swim to the rapids. It was really cold and the roots of the trees hanging down almost caught our foot.Mum and Dad pulled us back up and we cruised down the clear, mirroring water until we landed back on the ground.
I felt really relieved that I didn't fall out of the boat and drown. It was the highlight of my year.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Survival swimming
This are some photos of our survival swimming lessons at the Clive pool. We did all sorts of activities in the water. We got in a huddle position. We got in a line in the water and out of the water.
Photos below.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Term 4 value, excellence
This terms value is excellence. Excellence means quality, value. Noun: the quality of being outstanding and extremely good.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
WALT: Work collaboratively to have a better understanding of what we read.
What we have been doing- Reciprocal reading, taking turns at clarifying, summarising, predicting and questioning. We take one week to read one story.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Olympic recount
In the Rio Olympics,two very good men's sevens sides played each other,New Zealand and Fiji. It was the quarterfinals for the gold medal. Everyone in the crowd and on the field were pumped about this game. Their win over Kenya was good,but they would have to play better than that to beat the flying Fijians.
Sonny Bill Williams was injured in the previous game against Kenya.
The Fijians are a good side,so the New Zealanders had to play to the best of their ability. Both teams sang their national anthem proud and loud. After that, everyone was silent in the crowd waiting for the kick off.
P3.It was a good game in the first half, but then the flying Fijians just tired the NZ team out and then just ran around them and scored a try that won them the game. The final score was 12-7 to Fiji. All of the New Zealand fans were disappointed. As for the, Fijians they made history by getting their first GOLD MEDAL EVER and their first medal of any type ever. Even though New Zealand lost they still played against 2 other teams and beat them. So we came 5th over all.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Writing term 3
WALT: spell words that require us to chunk or sound them out.
In the holidays Rhys invited me to go to Bounce with him. Rhys was supposed to pick me up but he was a bit late. So my Mum dropped me off at there house. Then I hopped in the car and we drove off to bounce.T-dub and Alfie came to bounce as well.
When we got there the first thing I did was get in a zorb, but first I had to figure out how to get in it. I wasn't supposed to go in without a stamp but I was too eager to go in. Rhys's Mum called us out to get our stamps. So I got my stamp and then I kept on playing.I played in the zorbs for basically the whole time.
There were Bouncy castles around the whole place. There was an obstacle course, an inflatable car and a inflatable rock climbing place.I went on all of them but some were a bit lame. My favourite bouncy castle was the obstacle course because I got sweaty and it was a good hiding spot.
Air hockey was one of the mini game there. I vs T-dub and I smashed him 3 to 7. Then I had a game against Rhys and T-dub but they said that I couldn't play anymore because I was too hard.
After that Alfie randomly found 2 dollars on the ground. He found a basketball game at the back of the building. It had I think 4 or 5 balls that you could shoot into the hoop. Alfie and I had a go at it and we got about 60 balls in. It was a really awesome day and I want to go back soon.
My next steps are using more information in my writing.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
How to make a star
In reading Mr B we had to make a movie teaching people how to make string things.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Earth to Uranus
Task: write a set of instructions on how to get from Earth to a planet of your choice.
- a chosen planet’s location in the solar system.
- a chosen planet’s distance from earth.
- planets you will pass by to get to the chosen planet.
- obstacles that may be on the journey, e.g. Atmosphere, moons...I was an Apprentice.
I’m beginning to communicate about my inquiry learning.
Next time I need to write my instructions as instruction not facts.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
I notice sentence structure…
When I read I will notice short sentences and name the nouns and verbs used.
I describe vocabulary …
I can name an object and talk about how it moves using precise verbs.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
We had to do a story about three things a key,duck and jandel.
This is my story
Once there was a duck called Roopert. He had yellow webbed feet,blue feathers under his wings,black legs,orange beak and the rest of his body was white. One day he found these weird things. It said”flip flops”. Roopert thought for a bit and then tried them on. Roopert wore on his head,it didn't feel right. Then he tried it on his wings and then tried to fly. It made him sink. Then he tried it on his webbed feet. It felt just wright. So he walked around his pond bragging and showing off about his new flip flops. People came to feed the ducks and they were throwing bread in the water. Roopert forgot about his flip flops and jumped in the water. He was enjoying the bread the bread so much. Then he saw a girl with flip flops on and remembered about his flip flops. He rushed to shore and saw a turtle wearing them.
“Excuse me Mr turtle but I think those flip flops are mine”,said Roopert.
“Oh no they're not”,said turtle.
“Yes they are I left them on the shore”,said Roopert.
“Well you're not getting them”,said turtle.
“This turtle is very rude “,thought Roopert.
So Roopert slapped the turtle in the face.
“Ha take that loser”,said Roopert.
And stole the flip flops off him and wondered off. Then Roopert flew on to the top of a building and found a key. It had numbers on it. The numbers were Rll49. What could in possibly open or unlock? Roopert walked back to his pond still looking down at the key in his wing.
“What are you looking at Roopert”,yelled a duck.
Roopert didn't reply. He just kept on walking until… THUD! Roopert fell straight on his face. He looked back and saw a handle sticking out of the ground. So he got a spade and started digging around it. After he dug it,he pulled it out and it had the same numbers on the key. It was a chest,a heavy chest and a large chest. Roopert hiffed the key in and twisted it this way and that way and then finally it opened.
“OMG”,said Roopert.
It was a chest full of duck food. He had to hide it from the other ducks. So he went home and got a wagon. He went back to the place and got it. Roopert raced back home and slammed the door.
“Few”,said Roopert puffed.
He opened the chest and started scoffing his face with duck food.
“What a life”,Roopert said.
It lasted him six years. He broke the world record of the fattest duck.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Writing 100
Once I was at paint ball and while we were playing Bob Marley came down on a pink fluffy unicorn with a cool as paint ball. It was a sniper rifle but it had a scope on it,it had a pump action and a stand. He was singing "pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows". Bob Marley and the unicorn just kept on singing the same song while shooting us. He had hard as pellets. The unicorn pooped out rainbow droppings. The two demolished everyone who tried to shoot them. They only got shot about four or five million times together.
Writing 100 is when you have to write 100 words about anything. But it has to be exactly 100 words,not one less, not one more.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The story about the overweight water melon who liked to hide in trees.
There was once a watermelon who liked to hide in trees. The watermelon always got found in a tree when they played hide and go seek.
"HOW DID YOU FIND ME!" The watermelon shouted.
The watermelon was fat and overweight. One day when he was hiding in his typical tree and then... SNAP! The branch broke because he went too close to the edge of the branch. Apple was right below him and watermelon squashed him. Apple was the finder and watermelon was the first one to get found again. He began to get fatter and fatter bigger and bigger. He was fat and overweight because he ate junk food,watched T.V all day and the only outside thing that he did was play hide an go seek. The reason why he hid in trees was because he was too lazy to stand up or run around.His friends are all the berries,all the melons,peach,pear,plum,nashi pear,apricot and banana. All of his friends thought that he was fat and overweight. At the age of 1,001 he died of fatness.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
In percussion we have been keeping a beat with "we will rock you".
We did this subgect with Sam.
My favourite instrument was the drums and the symbols
This helps us with our vocabulary.
I have been going to poetry writing group with Mr Wallace.
This is a tanka poem that I wrote.
Beutiful mountains
Lakes with cold,cold water
Cold snow on the rock
White snow over on the hill
White snow sparkled in my hair
Next step: Make my poems rhyme.
Inquiry water safety

Inquiry In inquiry i made a water poster about rips and safety at the beach.
My next step: Research in my own words and use better vocabulary.
For maths I have been going to Mr Wallaces class for maths.
We have been learning about directions.With directions we have to add and subtract.
We have done maps and keys with the bee bots.
NEXT step: To subtract bigger numbers.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Cinquain poem-beach
WALT: Write a cinquain poem.
A cinquain poem is a verse of five lines that do not rhyme. The cinquain poem was created by Adelaide.
A cinquain poem has...
2 syllables in the first line,
4 syllables in the second line,
6 syllables in the third line,
8 syllables in the fourth line
And 2 syllables in the last line.
A cinquain poem comes from France.
This is my poem below.
Hot sun
Sea close to shore
Sand,shells and more muscle
Four hundred sea gulls in a flock
Fat shark.
Tanka poem-river
I swim like a fish
Rivers with hot,hot water
Mossy,soggy rocks
Fishing off the rock s with dad
Sparkling water in the sun
Monday, April 4, 2016
Tanka poem - Winter Mountains.
WALT: Find out about a different type of poem. Then I have created one of my own.
This is my poem below.
Beautiful mountains
Lakes with cold,cold water
Cold snow on the rock
White snow over on the hill
White snow sparkled in my hair
A tanka poem is like a haiku poem but with more lines and more syllables.
Next step: continue to learn about different types of poetry.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
WALT:This term for P.E I have been in the Dolphins swimming group but now I am in the seals swimming group.
Our goals have been use a regular breathing action,
swim one length freestyle,
Swim one length backstroke,
Swim two length medley.
Here are afue photos of the senior swimming sports.
My next steps are tread water for two minutes,
Do a standard dive,
Swim one length breaststroke,
Swim a three length medley.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
WALT-keeping safe.
First I rote it down on a peace of paper.Then I copyed it down on the computer and printed it out.
Our task was to do a project about hazards on the way to school.
My project is below.
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